Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's Blitz

Doodz, I seriously cannot wait. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

More dinosaur music

Oh man, you guys remember Land Before Time, right? Of course you do.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Twin Snakes Finished!

I am giving an thumbs up in this picture because beating games is RAD

There it is. I finished 10 minutes my noon class, and I would have posted then, but I had to, ya know, get to class. I got the Hyena ranking! I hope that's good. Either way it was a wild ride. Now I just gotta beat FF VII in a day and the trifecta will be complete. Oh man, I'm totally gonna do that this year.

Okay I gotta get sleep NOW. 

Twin Snakes update

Just beat Vulcan Raven and stumbled upon the warehouse where Metal Gear is being kept. But my class I stayed up for is starting in an hour and I gotta shower and eat breakfast and stuff so I have to make my very first save of the game and take a break. You can count on me to finish the game later on today though, After all, Snake only has 12 hours.

Twin Snakes update

Alright, so Snake got captured, tortured a little bit, and everything seems pretty bleak, so I decided it's time for a little coffee to pick my spirits back up with. 

Twin Snakes is a LOT harder than the PSX version. I've died waaayyy to many times than I would have if I was playing classic. I would've liked to, but the hard drive I have that on is all acting up and being dumb, so it's Game Cube version for me. Whatever, nothing wrong with trying new things I guess, but the original is still where it's at. Siiighhh...nostalgia. 

Okay, coffee time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Twin Snakes

So I have to get up early to take some dumb typing test tomorrow. I'm not concerned about passing it at all because honestly just making this blog is probably way beyond what they expect me to know for it. But the test IS at eight in the morning, and I rarely get up before ten these days, so instead I'm gonna stay up all night and play Metal Gear Solid (Twin Snakessssssss). I'll keep you guys updated on my status every time I need to break for coffee or bathroom. Here's to a night of badassery.